Monday, 29 June 2009

Graduation and Family Day

Hi everyone, what a glorious day, all the family there at my Graduation, I received an MA in Missional Leadership from Bangor University.

I am truly blessed who would have thought that 10 years ago I was dying and in need of a liver transplant, God is and has been so faithful to me and all my family.

in the morning we went to our friends studio for family pictures.

and then off to Mattersey Hall for graduation, what a day, I cried it was very emotional, someone said to me, "God has other plans for you Andrew, you can go when its your time!"

I guess that's the bottom line, you leave this earth when its' your time, take encouragement from this friends, He is faithful when we are faithless.

In the evening we had an Indian meal at the Aggrah in Doncaster, by the end I was full and very replete.

Thursday, 18 June 2009


hi folks, i am aware i haven't said anything the last few days, i only have a few minutes as i have been busy just lately, celebrating my birthday and anniversary to my lovely wife, 47 and 27 years respectively. Check out Sandra's blog.
life marches on relentlessly!
the next major event in our social calendar is my graduation on the 20th of June, i gain a MA in Missional Leadership from Bangor University, the exciting part being that all our 3 children will be their and there partners, we will have a family picture taken and then go out for an Indian meal at the Aagrrh in Doncaster.
so folks please celebrate with me on this occasion and we will speak soon, i promise.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Spiritual Growth / Meditation

A sad feature is that it is more identified with non Christian systems of thought rather than biblical Christianity. E.g. Yoga, transcendental meditation, relaxation therapy or new age movement.

We must remember that meditation is both commanded by God and modelled by the Godly in the scriptures. Joshua 1v8 and Psalm 1: 1-3 The kind of meditation encouraged in the bible differs from other kinds of meditation in several ways;

While some advocate a kind of meditation in which you empty your mind, Christian meditation involves filling your mind with God and truth.
For some meditation is an attempt to achieve complete mental passivity. (Serenity and peace) Biblical meditation requires constructive mental activity.

DEFINITION: Deep thinking on the truths and spiritual realities revealed in scripture for the purpose of understanding, application, and prayer.

Analogy – a tea bag placed inside a cup of water.

Guidelines for Application.

1. Select an appropriate passage (s). DO NOT RUSH: always read in context and make sure you read sufficient of the passage to enable you to get the most out of this time.

John 11:25 WRITE IT OUT “I am the resurrection and the life” “I am” --------------
(i) Moses said to God “who are you?” God said “I am”
(ii) “I am” all sufficient ---- song springs to mind ---- sing it through.

Resurrection: ---- He died and rose again! Death / Life / Old Self / New Life/ Buried /Alive'

2. How am I to respond this text?

3. Is there anything I can do as a result of reading / meditating on this :-- tell someone “I am alive”

4. Write a prayer out; ---------------Lord thank you that you are “I am the all sufficient one”, thank you that you died and rose again. Thank you Lord I have new life in you.

5. A useful tool / items of equipment; note book, pen, music to listen to.

6. When using a note book or paper it may help to set up as follows. Passage. Positive thoughts negative thoughts Cross reference biblically concerning the above thoughts.
A selection of passages to meditate on.
Galatians 2: 20.
John 15: 7
Joshua 1:8
Psalm 1: 1-3
Psalm 139
Last supper
Gospels Luke 22, Great Commission Gospels Matthew 28

Monday, 1 June 2009

I Love You

blogging from chapter 001. of Margaret Feinberg - the Sacred Echo. published by zondervan.

Well folks what a fine read this chapter is. Margaret unpacks the I love you from God. a thing we hear from every quarter all around so often it has diluted our sense of LOVE.

God speaks frequently and repetitively because we’re so easily distracted.

Maybe he does this so we focus on the important not the imminent.
Most, if not all of the sacred echoes of God throughout the bible orbit around relationship.

God’s “I love you” is not just a piece of information or one time revelation but an in invitation to transformation.

God’s desire for transformation is one of the foundational reasons for the sacred echo.
He is much more that an information source.
He longs for more than that.
God’s words are life to be ingested, nourishment to our souls, power to change our situations.

God’s “I love you” is not just a piece of information or one time revelation but an in invitation to transformation.
sorry for the repeat, but wow just ponder on these words thanks Margaret.